Friday, March 11, 2005

Launching "Sambhaav Metro"

Sambhaav Group of Newspapers has decided to relaunch the broadsheet newspaper as a tabloid,Afternoon Newspaper, named "Sambhaav Metro".Mr. Narendra Modi, the CM will preside to grace the function and Launch 'Sambhaav Metro' in Ahmedabad on 12th March 2005. “The Sambhaav Metro will be a tabloid sized newspaper with 24 pages, which can be raised to 48. It will be priced at Re.1/-. To begin with, the newspaper will be launched with a circulation of between 50,000 and one lakh copies,” says Bhupatbhai Vadodaria, Editor of the Sambhaav Group. 18 years ago, on March 12, Sambhaav was launched in Ahmedabad. The new newspaper will have the latest news, will cover a variety of subjects, special stories and the likes. The new venture is also expected to have a lot of city news and have features such as book review, lighter reading material and an interactive session where noted personalities reply to queries of readers. There are more than three pages allocated to business with primary focus on the trading community. There would be pages on women's interests and on spirituality too.


The online website sambhaav will continue with the news and other features as usual. It is expected that due to print changes, the online readers might face font problems for a short while till we come out with the web font conversion. It’s the Human relations that counts for a ‘Team Work’ as we focus more on ‘We’ rathar than ‘I’ and the secrets of a longstanding successive years as they roll by are based on the developed ‘Strengths’ – the inner power of managing to achieve Excellence with a dash of determination and confidence to reach the goals. We thank all readers for your continued support and look forward for your further association so that we can bring the best news 'Sambhaav Metro' to all.


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

How often we hear people shrugging off casually: 'ugh, time is short, we're busy' I think, we all have 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week, yielding 168 hours per week. Take away the sleep hours and hours engaged in fetching results we desire! Hence, its wise to work 'smarter' than work 'harder' and this requires efficient 'Time Management' Walt Whitman, the poet, said it best, "The most powerful time is when we are alone, thinking about what we are to do." Daily Planning helps us to focus on what is really crucial and important in our day to come and permits us to identify time to use wasted hours more productively. This has been my experience but when I read this book of Tim, it sure is more to Accomplish 'Managing Time' with his neat tips under various categories like :

1. Understanding Time - Changing Attitude
2. Analyzing use of time - Keeping Time logs,
3. Assessing ability - A quick Quiz
4. Planning for success - Analyzing goals, work, prioritizing
5. Using Time Planners
6. Getting Organized
7. Phone Calls - Managing calls
8. Reading & writing - Dos n Dont's
9. Technology skills
10.Meetings & Travel tips

This and more, the Book is thorough self training and changing Attitude. This book has cool tips of dos n don'ts, analyzing quiz, charts and very good presentation and once you shrugg off the wry look to wring for an extra half hour, think of the wonders a human brain can do - a cool book for every student, business guy, tech buffs and especially those bubbly MBAs who seem to lack time! A great Pick - Get Self Trained, Get More Accomplished with your Time.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

International Womens Day and the honor confers upon me as an 'Outstanding Journalist' - Awarded by my Community 'Kadva Patel Parivar Trust and Mahila Vikas' who celebrated IWM & Mahila Kranti Abhiyaan Year 2005 on occasion of their Silver Jubilee in Ahmedabad. (The women's wing of this community is run by Sushilaben Amin & Kalaben Amin, Ahmedabad who are actively involved in bringing great social reforms. They plan to bring Patels worldwide in September to unite them all.)
This is a moment of joy for me as I get this honor but more a moment of Inspirations. Inspirations and encouragement from the people I know and with whom we walk past our life. It would be great big list of people to mention here so instead I opt to say that I always exercise six D's of faith: Power to Decide, courage to dare, energy to do, will power to be determined, grace to be dedicated and patience to be diligent. And the result is 'peek' experience - seeing farther and spotting new horizons, newer opportunities! Deep in the heart of gratitude lies a nugget of tremendous faith. Readers of all my websites have 'Made it Happen, Made this a great Day' and as I Thank all who made a Big Difference, here is marching ahead optimistically!
