Thursday, July 21, 2005

I remember a session I attended at TATA-AIG and the 'Spanco' theory that was explained to us by the Executives who motivated and encouraged us as fresher Insurance Agents. About 'Spanco' well, I will talk about it later but here's a book that comes to my mind for motivation.

Essential Managers Series : Motivating People

It has ever been my observation that where there is no motivation, the staff tends to fall prey to being lazy-bugs, dumb and losing their charm and interest in their jobs! People who adopt TQM (Total Quality Management) which is about constantly improving every process and product by progressive methods motivate with the Change and quip for empowerment at workplace. If there isn't Motivation, however well you want TQM, it fails as psychologically needs is not fulfilled. Self esteem is hurt too. Recently, during my Insurance Group meet, the young boys supported the training with motivational tips that promoted Discussions, provided information and feedback but missed out on encouraging initiatives. Effectively appraising, listening to opinions, discussing weaknesses are all best explained in this book. Raising Interest levels and developing skills is one yet two different things altogether. The book has techniques to widen perspectives too and getting the most from Training sessions. An Exceptional Book, I recommend for all Team Managers who need to 'Motivate' freshers and tune them up for Achievement. A good Pick and Great Gift to offer.

- ilaxi

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Poet Rumi once said: "When you are dead, seek for your resting place, not in the earth, but in the hearts of men."

Aren't these wise words from a very wise man? Well, we all have our own challenging moments in life. Challenges come n go. Calamities too, come n go. We too, sail the boat of our life so as not to sink in deep circling waters. All top performers have developed ability of keeping their setbacks in a proper perspective, learning from them and then advancing confidently in the direction of their dreams. It's never losing sight of the fact that the work you and your team is doing impacts on people's lives and you can make a difference.

So, when one of my friend just rang me up and said, hey why do you keep working all the time when people who get highly paid call it 'peanuts' - Well, I guess 'Work is a force that keeps one getting wiser, otherwise what's a life for? Just a question that pops up 'Who will cry when you die?' Robin Sharma's book has all the answers I presume!

Robin Sharma,the Author says: "When you live your truth, your dreams beat a path toward your doorstep". A practical solution to create a sound Life and strikingly balance life filling in the gaps with humility. Robin refers to his father's words that a tree that has most fruits is that which bends to the ground. And though there are some exceptions he have found in his own experience that it is true-the people who know the most, who have achieved the most, and have lived the most, are also the people closest to the ground. In a word, they are humble.

The book is indepth wisdom with absolute life changing solutions to cope with life's trials, challenges, frustrations and so on.

- ilaxi