I came across this poll on
The Asian Age website and the results itself speaks:
Do you agree with the PM that competition has affected the quality of journalism in India?
Total poll voted is 56
Yes 76.79%
No 21.43%
Can't Say 1.79%
Now, at the Chandigarh Press Club, Dr. Manmohan Singh addressed to Journalists, his concerened views and I believe that today as markets rise and fall, Investors gain and lose! Hence, financial reporters need to draw a line to move and make markets with their own motivated presumptions!
As such, those who regular surfers are now quite convinced that competition has affected the quality of journalism. More and more websites provide
Online Feeds to read and download
Feed Readers with more and more online newspapers, websites and even bloggers providing worthy & informative RSS feeds. This becomes exhaustive reads with every new story that leave behind the print media Journalists to trail and be informed to newer technology.
The next
'Big battle of Journalism' is maybe the 'Internet - News websites, RSS Feeds & Blogs'. On the rise is 'Advertising, Sponsoring, donation and contribution by Readers on major Blog websites and online media channels. Thereby, more journalists emerge every day as many flair in information and write ups, contribute their articles and I wonder, why not! Even I find many common readers and surfers blogs so interesting and their writings 'par excellence' than even a journalist - This is the real cup of life on web and Journalists real do face the competition. I feel, 'It is great to earn Credits than earn the bucks'. Knowledge is Power & RSS Feeds are getting Super Power!!