Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Did I not say of the city roads in my last note? Well, a search in Google Maps gives a glimpse of my city - scaling higher and getting bigger to be a mega city!

And all who ever said, we searched your house but could not find the location and yeah, we didn't have much time's the tech savvy who can draw you to Google Maps - No excuses now...coz 'Where there is a will, Google shows a way" Keep on counting on Google technology for your day to day needs too. Even has set up its Grocery store with more than 14000 products, free shipping delivery to your door-step!

Yeah, if you click this link, you can find me computing here on my desk somewhere in University area:-) Enjoy!

You can copy my link and link from your site too - guess you may find CM Narendra Modi somewhere on the map sitting tall at Gandhinagar with the SEZ Bizmen

- ilaxi