Friday, March 12, 2010

Remembering 12th March

12th March and an unforgettable day for me - My dad was born this day - Gandhiji's Salt Satyagraha and Sambhaav Newspaper's birthday. It is not a death of a newspaper with five years of continuous Sambhaav Metro - However, there is no match substitute to the newspaper that Bhupatbhai managed. One got to accept with grace. And, when I see Bhai today, my heart fills with emotions that have no words to say except wish him happy ageing and happy memories of the yester years.

Here's a review of a Book I share with you:

If Life is a Game, Play it. But, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules!
Review by ilaxi

A must read for people who are Too Nice to be Too Good! A basic spiritual primer for what it means to be a human. The author explains 10 simple rules. No mistakes but only lessons to be learnt. As per my experience, any person in life needs :

1. Acceptance & Appreciation
2. Self Esteem
3. Respect
4. Endless learning in a school called 'Life'
5. A better living style

We are enrolled in a full time Life School where there is endless experiencing and endless learning. We may like to learn these lessons or just hate this experiences but ultimately, it do make you a better person. There is no better place than 'Here' living on the edge, whatever Life offers and in this presence, we simply get to reach 'There' - And yeah, this is a better 'There' always than 'Here' coz the very experiences in life takes one to a higher ground and makes a better compromise with life - Some things happen in life just for GOOD.

The Rule 9 in the book says all :
All you need to do is look, listen, and trust

This gives Inner Knowledge - Just listen, vision and trust in own abilities and in your own beliefs - Silence is a blessing and silence is peace. The fruits of karma are here and here alone.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Advaniji says on his blog "It's time for compulsory voting" - The idea of CM Narendra Modi's initiative has a supported voice. Gujarat has introduced this measure for all local body elections. The law has been passed by the State Assembly, but it is still to be implemented. The rules etc are still being worked out, says Advaniji.

And right opined. Compulsory voting will have higher percentages from the literate, Graduates, post graduates - the youth and who have a clear voice.

Advaniji adds "Not many may be aware that as many as 25 countries inhabited by more than 700 million people today have compulsory voting even for their parliamentary election. These countries include Australia, Argentina, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, Thailand and Singapore. I feel political thinkers in India also must apply their mind to this."

So, what do you say? Your Opinion, your voice always counts. The Government of Gujarat is open to voices and what better voices could it be other than yours? Do you support Compulsory voting initiative of CM Narendra Modi or you won't?

Btw, let me be honest - I never voted in my life but only after seeing the CM working wonders, I've started voting since last two years! The perspective has to change....

- ilaxi

ps. The picture of Advaniji is exclusively taken at a family function - edited and placed here.