Ask any person at random, you find them dealing in stocks! Economy doom is reeling on the minds of many business people and they have an eye on the International market. Most of the younger generation are found to be dealing in stocks and trading at times. The result is the gadgets we find them using extensively and the luxury they want at every stage. Even fancy are the motor bikes catching craze among the youth.
Recently cases of thefts of laptops, mobiles have increased and you never know when they are picked from a parked car. Even cars and motor bikes are missing and houses target for theft. There is an increase in cases and the hoardings keep speaking of progress of Gujarat and the development with less focus on curbing the criminal activities in state. It is high time, the government has a vigil on the culprits who are day by day increasing with economy getting jerky and high cost of living.
here's a post on Abhinav Bindra and we, as Indians, feel Proud of his achievement as India wins first Gold Medal in olympics in 80 years!
- ilaxi