Wednesday, January 04, 2006

With the new year bells ringing in great happy hours of surfing on web, here comes the Trojans riding on the web horse! Indians are ever the inquisite 'Hackers' - Yeah, I mean it as I came across a lot of guys who played the tricks and boasted the savvy types. Talk of Ankit Fadia - And you find him as Featured story - Ankit Fadia's Hacking Books and his tricks of the Hacking game. Every journalist (who don't understand Internet roads) interviewed him and placed him on top of the hack charts - ugh oh!!!

Well, right now, here's a link of Tech Briefs where I gonna talk of the Trojan Horse I mentioned. A new deceptive Trojan Horse program has surfaced and if you are tech savvy using the marketing tools to earn, read here.

- ilaxi

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