Just day before, our CM Narendrabhai Modi celebrated Gujarat Government 'Achievement' at the well known Rajpath Club. The event was organised to felicitate Narendra Modi and his Cabinet by Rajpath & Karnavati Club managed by Mr.Girish Dani & N.G.Patel respectively.
Now, the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, headed by Sonia Gandhi, has adjudged Narendra Modi’s Gujarat as the Number 1 state in economic freedom index.A study ‘Economic Freedom for States of India’ carried out by the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, the foundation’s think-tank, has come to this conclusion after analysing “economic freedom” in different states of India. The RGF report, released on May 21, describes Gujarat as a safe, peaceful state for business owing to low levels of economic offences and corruption, also praises the state’s decision-making. It puts Gujarat ahead of Bihar, West Bengal, Assam and Jharkhand in speedy police investigation.
At Rajpath lawns, hours after the Advani resignation, Narendrabhai maintained a studied silence on the Advani issue except that he was proud of Gujarat achievements and thanked his own team and people of gujarat who supported him. Spotted were the Industry big shots - Yeah, of coz me too;-)But well, two VHP Sadhus were spotted in front seats and I wonder what they were doing there! Now, known for a penchant for political mischief making, Narendra Modi who had earlier referred Sonia Gandhi as 'Italy ki Beti' thanked the Cong.President for bestowing laurels on his government for its good work and had fullsome praise. However,his speech had skipped unaware two sentences "Those people who criticize Modi Government had to give the credits and they realised this and gave the RGF Award" Well, well, I think Narendrabhai has a hard time all the time to show Gujarat Achievements and no wonder, Narendra Modi has proved excellence in governance. It's high time he makes less speech flaws inspite that he's great Orator, to brush off his bad image.
Now, I did hear somebody mention Narendrabhai as a unique combination of Loh Purush and Vikas Purush.One wonders, Can Modi inherit LKA's hardliner mantle? Advani has always brought good news for him, be it standing beside riots or recent rebel of visa issue. Let's wait and watch as I wish Narendrabhai Modi & his government 'All the Best'.
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